Why Grand Performance™?

Welcome to Grand Performance , where we specialize in creating a patient-centric journey for your company. Our comprehensive services encompass Operations Management, Healthcare Software Implementation and Training, providing organizations with the tools they need to thrive. Our goal is to enable effective coordination, automation, across the entire patient journey.

Using technology to support convenient access to care certainly is a trend that has accelerated significantly over the past 12 to 24 months.

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Remote Operations Support

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Process Improvement

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Solutions Implementation

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Real Estate

Your Business Solution Specialists

With an extensive background spanning over 25 years in Health Care industry, Kelly Dieugrand brings a wealth of expertise to the table. Having held various roles in Patient Access, Information Systems, Training, and QA , Kelly has developed a deep understanding of Patient Access Processes.Notably Kelly's proficiency in Registration Edits has resulted in substantial savings for Revenue Cycle.

Are you ready to elevate the performance of your Health Care Business to the next level? Contact us at Grand Performance today to embark on this transformative journey,